
My photo
I have a wonderful boyfriend who I've been with for a year and counting and i love him so much. i'm an outgoing person who loves to meet new people. i have a pet dog ( the one on my profile pic), birds and fish...oh and also comment on my blog and request me as a friend =P

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Heyy =D

Hey everyone !! haven't been posting a lot ahhh sucks i've been so busy with coursework and it being me and my bf's 1year 4months on monday so much to do so little time to be on this....also me trying to reach level 5, so hard and complicated D=.....had a week off to do my work but i forgot one so doing it now and yah =P

so how has everyone been ? hope good =P

can't wait for my next post cya !!


  1. Hey, came across your blog and have become a follower :) Come and check my blog out and become a follower too..

  2. Hey just to tell you I've moved so could you pleeeeaaaasse (pretty please :3)
    follow me there instead! its: thanks!

  3. ok sure i'll follow you both =]

    Darad thanx for telling me haha =P

  4. Nice lookin blog, I'm now following!
